Survey Examines Pet Adoption During COVID-19 Pandemic and Subsequent Likelihood of Rehoming Pets


June 14, 2021 - Pet adoptions spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people found themselves working and learning from home. A recent survey by M/A/R/C® Research found that 32% of pet owners acquired a new pet during the pandemic, with 53% being first-time pet owners. The top reasons for adopting a new pet were:

  • They had more free time - 37%
  • Their family wanted a pet - 36%
  • They were lonely and wanted companionship- 34%

However, despite finding a new home during the pandemic, many adopted pets are at risk of being rehomed, as 1 in 4 first-time pet owners don't know what to do with their pet when they return to working outside the home. Last fall, M/A/R/C uncovered an alarming statistic that 65% of first-time pet owners had considered rehoming their pets. As of April, 7% had already rehomed their pets and 42% are considering it. Reasons for considering rehoming new pets included:

  • Too much of a commitment
  • Too expensive
  • The pet doesn't get along well with others in the home
  • The pet has aggressive tendencies
  • The pet has behavioral problems

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