Get clarity to navigate a complex marketplace.

Exploration |Ideation

M/A/R/C® has the expertise to provide a clearer picture of your category and the important dynamics that are shaping it.

Map out a detailed blueprint of your category

Our comprehensive market landscape offering details the pertinent behaviors, attitudes and perceptions related to your category. We help you understand both the System 1 and System 2 factors that drive decision-making and lay out a complete assessment of the competitive situation. M/A/R/C® provides a clear perspective so that you can successfully optimize your strategic and tactical planning.

Learn what key audiences think, feel and do

M/A/R/C® has a broad range of qualitative and quantitative approaches that delve deep into the attitudes, emotions and behaviors of those who impact your business. Our professionally trained qualitative experts are skilled at getting an in-depth perspective of the marketplace that comes "straight from the customer's mouth."

Uncover and capitalize on unmet needs

Pinpointing marketplace gaps in meeting consumer needs is one thing. Identifiying strategies to successfully address them is another. M/A/R/C® is your partner for needs identification and white space innovation.

Some of our work in this area

Case Study 23 and Me

Partnering with 23andMe to uncover key insights on customer experience and engagement
See Insights in Action

Case Study Apparel

Increasing the customer base for a leading clothing brand with greater breakthrough and optimized offerings

Case Study abBev

Developing key channel strategies across Anheuser-Busch InBev's brand portfolio


We'd love to tell you more.

Let's talk.

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